
What makes us want to be “good?”  The short answer is, God.  The longer answer is our indwelling Thought Adjuster, also known as the God fragment within each of us which includes a measure of the Holy Spirit, a magnetic gravitational force pulling us toward God and the spiritual paradise of Havona (aka Heaven). 

This “spiritual pressure” helps to augment our moral insight, enhancing our capacity to understand, accept, and love our fellow mortals. This is why it is so important to be patient with others, no matter how irritating we may find them. 

Every individual is on a different point along the evolutionary time line.  Just as those who are ahead of us tend to inspire and impress us, so must we set a positive example by extending our patience, understanding, and encouragement to those who trail behind us. 

It’s sort of like the relationship between upper and underclassmen at school.  The freshmen stand in awe of the seniors, dreaming of the day they’ll be at that point.  In the same way, the seniors are looking longingly ahead at those who have graduated, eagerly anticipating the day they will be at that level.  

Accordingly, we can’t expect a freshman to understand senior-level coursework any more than we can expect a senior to understand graduate level material.  It’s all a progression -- each individual working at their respective grade, striving to advance to the next. 

No matter how difficult, we must try to accept others for who and what they are at their current level of development.  Christ had no room for intolerance.  He didn’t look down upon the poor, nor did he bow to the powerful and wealthy.  He treated all he encountered with the same love, respect, and acceptance – even those who persecuted and eventually killed him.


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